Conquip/Deconstruct approached Structemp for a value engineered solution to improve on the indicative temporary propping scheme proposed by the consultant engineers for the site.
As Deconstruct planned the project, a waling beam was used to ensure the load was equally distributed into the capping beam due to the addition of voids. Also, they had to create new temporary and permanent manholes due to an existing sewer on site needing to be diverted. This affected the overall design of the temporary works. However, by working together, we were able to revise the temporary propping scheme to accommodate the alterations and overcome these challenges.
The project began at the height of the pandemic and continued through both lockdowns, however we continued to virtually meet with Deconstruct and answer any questions. Using technology to our advantage, we used video tools to explain the structure of the platform and determine an installation sequence for the temporary propping and platform.